This page is for news and information about Hertfordshire's Mammals. Please submit your records on the records submission page. If you are interested in Bats contact the Herts and Middlesex Bat Group through their website.

2025 Gerald Salisbury Memorial lecturer announced

Entomologist Adrian Dutton will give the 2025 Gerald Salisbury Memorial lecture which takes place on Wednesday 22 January in Welwyn Civic Centre* (8pm).

He will talk about the saproxylic beetles of Panshanger Park, reporting on exciting findings from his recent survey work with Tarmac and Natural England supporting efforts to improve the site's wildlife potential.

The 1,000 acre park, near Hertford, has emerged as one of the most important habitats nationally for saproxylic beetles, which require decaying wood habitats.

Enthusiasm for wildlife education links HNHS Award winners

Two expert naturalists with a passion for sharing their knowledge about wildlife with future generations are winners of the 2024 HNHS Awards

Stephen Lings, posthumous winner of the Trevor James Award for an outstanding Hertfordshire naturalist was county recorder for bees, wasps millipedes and centipedes before his sad death in March, aged 63. But his natural history achievements went far beyond that, as the Society's Autumn Meeting heard on Saturday 16 November.