Jack is a design consultant by profession and a partner in a London based design company. In his voluntary capacity you have seen his skills in creating the image of the Society and Herts Bird Club and design of our publications. He designed?our wonderful website and?publicity leaflets,?every Herts Bird Report since 1993 and the 'new look' Hertfordshire Naturalist as well as our three latest HNHS books. He is also photograph editor for the Herts Bird Club keeping the website up to date with the latest bird photos on a daily basis.
Born in Hertfordshire, much of his birding has been spent in the county, but rarer birds have taken him from Scilly to Shetland. Jack has enjoyed seeing rare birds since 1963 when a Western Bonelli?s and two Melodious Warblers turned up on a ringing course at Dungeness. He has birded much of Europe, North and Central America, North, South, East and West Africa, the Middle East, India and Asia.?
Jack holds a bird ringing licence, is a member of the Maple Cross Ringing Group and helps to run a Constant Effort Site at Hilfield Park Reservoir Nature Reserve.?Jack is a member of the Herts Rare Birds Panel and has also served on the Herts Bird Club committee. He edited the Bird Club?s Bulletin for nine years, helped to edit and produce the 2nd Bird Atlas, 'The Breeding Birds of Hertfordshire' and is co-author of? 'Birds at Tring Reservoirs'.?