The Hertfordshire Natural History Society has scanned and indexed all past issues of its journals and those of its predecessor, the Watford Field Club. These have been made available on this website either to view by volume and issue number or by searching on one or more keywords.

Journal search tips

Searches are not case sensitive so searching for Ver produces the same results as searching for ver

Single word searches:


– finds all pages with ver on

To find exact matches:

+ver or “ver”

– finds all the pages with ver on and doesn’t include results with Verulamium or every


Multiple word searches:

vascular plant

returns all pages with both the word vascular and plant on

“vascular plant”

only returns pages where the word vascular is followed immediately by the word plant

“vascular plant” +hertford

finds those pages where the words vascular plant follow  each other and the word hertford appears

“vascular plant” –hertford

finds those pages where the words vascular and plant follow each other and excludes pages that also have the word hertford