Elected at the Annual General Meeting on 1 October 2022.

Oaklands, Nicholls Farm, Redbourn, AL3 7JH

250 Sandridge Road, St Albans, AL1 4AL
01727 762 855

Membership Secretary

Kingswell House, Kingswell End, King's Walden, Herts. SG4 8LR
Chair of the Recorders' Committee

Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB
Events Organiser

5 Byron Road, Harpenden, AL5 4AD
Tim Hill is the Conservation Manager at Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust and a member of the Herts Bird Club Committee. he organises the Herts Bird Club conference each spring and the HNHS Autumn Meeting and AGM.
Editor, Hertfordshire Naturalist

Recording and monitoring

33 Ox Lane, Harpenden, AL5 4HF
01582 765 169
Agneta is a botanist and also the Hertfordshire County Recorder for Bryophytes (mosses and liverworts)
Recording and monitoring

c/o Herts & Middx Wildlife Trust, Grebe House, St Michaels Street, St Albans, AL3 4SN
Ian Carle is Nature Reserves Manager at the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust and county recorder for Orthoptera (Grasshoppers)
Recording and monitoring

Chantal Helm is the joint organiser of the Hertfordshire Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles Atlas 2005-19.
Recording and monitoring
Alex is Manager of the Hertfordshire Environmental Records Centre (HERC)
Chair, Herts Bird Club